Two locations to serve you, Downtown & Old Ottawa East

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About US

We want you to feel better, move better and enjoy life the way you want to!

Take a tour at one of our locations


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Physiotherapy = Movement = Health

Our Vision

Healthy neighbourhoods. Healthy cities. Happy people. A healthy you.

Our Mission

To keep you moving, and moving well over your entire lifetime.

People are living longer. We want you to live better.

We know that physical activity is good for us on many levels. Being physically active helps slow the aging of the cells in our body and improves our cognition and thinking. In a sense, physical activity helps keep us young.

We want walkable, liveable, inclusive neighbourhoods and communities. Central to that is our ability to move. Being able to move and move well helps us stay in our homes, navigate our neighbourhoods, go to the places we enjoy most, and enjoy life. Being physically active helps keep both us and our cities healthy, too!

We know that being physically active helps us enjoy the world around us. Spending time in nature is good for our mood. Seeing friends and spending time with them helps us maintain our social health. Being physically active is central to our mental health.

We believe that physiotherapists play an important role in your life. We keep you moving so that you can stay healthy in all the ways that matter most.

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